All our innovation projects are conducted within an ethical and sovereign framework, with a constant focus on improving transparency on data processing and algorithm design, as well as facilitating the explainability of our AI.
Projects driving innovation
Discover our operational research projects at the cutting edge of innovation
Artificial Intelligence and Data at the heart of our projects
Docaposte is able to handle the multiple uses enabled by AI by being present in 3 major fields:
- Computer vision: our AI is capable of recognizing, processing, classifying and exploiting data in unstructured documents (identity documents, medical images, license plates, etc.)
- Machine learning: we can analyze and predict behavioral situations, detect fraud, for example, or alert to certain risks
- Operations research: we model complex systems, enabling better management and optimization of resources and flows

Docaposte's 450 Data / AI experts (engineers, PhDs and data scientists) create the tools needed for customer project success. With one of the largest communities of AI and Data specialists (engineers, PhDs, data engineers and data scientists) in France, whether internally or via a network of innovative start-ups, Docaposte offers a wide range of services, from support to the production and deployment of technological building blocks.
AI and Data Science are among the most promising technologies, and have something to offeracross all industries today.
In 2023, Docaposte also made its mark in generative AI with the development of its first sovereign generative AI solution, in partnership with three other French players (LightOn, Aleia and NumSpot) and marketed from the end of 2023.
Our innovations in post-quantum computing
Post-quantum computing promises to "break" an RSA key in a matter of minutes: it is therefore a major topic for CIOs who are looking on with great attention as it calls into question the entire current security scheme.
At Docaposte, we've been working on post-quantum security since 2018 with a range of partners. We were the first trusted operator in France to offer a resilient quantum electronic certificate on the market.
In 2023, Docaposte is launching the first electronic archiving solution resistant to quantum attacks.
Docaposte is constantly innovating in post-quantum security.
Document Blockchain, an essential support for trust
The Blockchain created by Docaposte offers an innovative solution for document certification. It guarantees that the information exchanged has not been altered, and reinforces trust by guaranteeing the origin of the information entered into the Blockchain.
This innovative solution meets the needs of banks (particularly for their KYC processes), administrations and local authorities looking for innovative tools to combat fraud. Born of an R&D process initiated by La Poste through its subsidiary Docaposte in 2016, it resulted in 2018 in the publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal of an article on the authentication of an archived document with zero knowledge proof.
Presented at Vivatech in 2019, Archipels' prototype certification platform uses blockchain to certify and verify binding documents.
In 2020, all research and development was transferred to Archipels, spun off from the consortium of major French groups La Poste (via its Docaposte subsidiary), EDF, Engie and the Caisse des Dépôts.
Today, Archipels is a document certification platform based on blockchain technology which enables the authenticity of documents to be verified.
Since its creation, the offering has evolved to provide the market with a range of document certification and authentication services, making it possible to offer new complementary services based on decentralized identity.
Archipels' ambition is to become a leading provider of certification services for corporate and individual identity-data in Europe.
AGORiA SANTE, advancing the use of healthcare data
AGORiA SANTE is an accelerator of multi-source data projects through :
- A dynamic ecosystem approach that connects healthcare data players to help projects emerge (hospital structures, academic players, pharmaceutical laboratories, medtechs, start-ups...)
- A sovereign technical and regulatory platform (database linked to National Health Data System ) to carry out health data projects

In 2021, on the strength of that conviction and as a partner in the data strategy of healthcare players, Docaposte joined forces with AstraZeneca, Impact Healthcare, then Takeda to launch the AGORiA SANTE consortium, open to all healthcare and data science players.
Since its creation, AGORiA SANTE has welcomed a number of partners who share these objectives, and has integrated data into its warehouse for use in clinical research projects.
Our expert says it best!

"Docaposte is positioned as the trusted partner in the healthcare data value chain, from strategy to project implementation.
AGORiA SANTE is at the heart of this positioning: Docaposte, is the leader of this collective approach, the architect of the technology platform and the trust framework required to carry out healthcare data projects."
Diane-Charlotte Baillet, Director of AGORiA SANTE at Docaposte
NumSpot, the sovereign and trusted French cloud

NumSpot is primarily aimed at French economic and institutional players looking for a sovereign and trusted solution in line with GDPR and European regulations, such as the banking/finance, healthcare and public sectors (State, local authorities, public operators).
With its ambition to become a French and European technology leader in digital trust and sovereignty, Docaposte has a unique market position thanks to its technology building blocks and digital trust services.
The notion of sovereignty takes many forms. When it comes to the cloud, we have a lot to offer in this area. Sovereignty is as much about technology as it is about infrastructure.
At the end of 2022, Docaposte, as lead partner, Dassault Systèmes, Bouygues Telecom and Banque des Territoires combined their expertise and strengths within a 100% French industrial consortium to create NumSpot, a company dedicated to developing a complete range of European sovereign and trusted cloud services.