Electronic document management

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Electronic document management Contact an advisor

Document management and the digitalisation of your processes are key issues in the dematerialisation of incoming, outgoing and internal flows.

Electronic Document Management (EDM) and Business Process Management (BPM) solutions pave the way for greater automation and a better customer experience.

EDM: an essential tool for all organisations

The dematerialisation market has been growing dynamically for several years, thanks in particular to changes in legislation in its favour. EDM is one of the dematerialisation solutions most favoured by companies because it :

  • Facilitates access to information
  • Automates the document processes of organisations
  • Enables electronic documents to be dematerialised, classified, managed, stored and distributed, thanks to a set of IT tools and techniques

Electronic document management can be combined with other Docaposte solutions, such as mass scanning, or our automatic document reading and recognition (ADR) solution.

The goal? To make customer invoices and letters available with automatic indexing and filing.

For example, for a housing authority, the EDM system makes it possible to provide all its tenants with their due notices.

Benefits of electronic document management

The wide variety of incoming information flows makes accessing and processing information and business processes more complex.

  • Multiple benefits for your business data

    • Optimise your productivity by automating document processing to reduce the burden on the back office
    • Improve your productivity by easily accessing the information you need, thanks to document centralisation
    • Offer a better quality of service to your customers (internal/external) by providing a qualified, complete and rapid response to all requests
  • A trusted DMS, combining flexibility and security

    • Integrated SaaS solutions
    • 24/7 access to information in the office or on the move
    • Rich and complete basic features
    • Capture and indexing of data flows to enhance all document collections
    • Search and consultation facilitated by a fluid and ergonomic user experience
    • Notifications sent to managers
    • Workflow naturally linked to your document processes
    • Natural link with electronic storage and/or archiving
    • EDM operated and hosted by Docaposte in France, in its own data centres

e-Doc Pro, our scalable DMS

With the e-Doc Pro document management solution by Eukles, a Docaposte brand, you can access simple and effective document functionalities.

A turnkey solution without installation (SaaS), it enhances the value of your company's document assets and offers a variety of functionalities.

e-Doc Pro features

  • Collaborative work

  • Automatic document filing, indexing, full-text search

  • Document workflow: secure inter-departmental circulation

  • Electronic signature

  • Contract monitoring (in particular to avoid tacit renewals)

  • Sharing, cutting and merging of documents

  • User rights management

  • Virtual printer

  • Mobile application

Maileva DMS, our ready-to-use solution for VSEs/SMEs

Designed to be instantly implemented, Maileva DSM centralizes of all the data in your document pool around a range of varied features. This collaborative tool enables all the members of your organisation to gain in efficiency and performance every day. Maileva, a subsidiary of Docaposte, covers a large number of vertical business issues and is aimed at both VSEs and SMEs in all sectors of activity.

Maileva GED features

  • Rapid implementation

  • Collaborative work

  • Automatic document filing

  • Document workflow

  • Data storage in France

  • Indexing, full-text search

  • Training included

Discover our complementary solutions

Docaposte offers electronic signature and digital archiving solutions adapted to each need.

Our expert knows best!

 "EDM, or Electronic Document Management, takes into account the need to manage documents and share them according to their life cycle, from creation to archiving, including the management of different versions. It is therefore a filing and storage solution for documents. It mainly implements systems for acquiring (via digitisation), indexing, classifying, storing information, navigating, searching and distributing documents." 

Clothilde Bonnier, Product Manager at Docaposte

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