Port operation staff management

The AGIR solution is today at the heart of the human and material resource management of Ports and Handlers

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Port operation staff management Contact an advisor

In a context subject to numerous uncertainties, AGIR centralizes and makes available instantly the information necessary for the preparation of the work schedule for the next day and subsequent days.

Who is AGIR for?

A tool for people responsible for the assignment and/or timekeeping of human and material resources, AGIR allows the management of stopovers, orders, the planning of training, maintenance, assignment and timekeeping (follow-up of the performed) of personnel and machines. A voice and/or SMS server allows staff to be informed of their future assignments.

Dedicated to professionals in charge of planning and managing different categories of human resources, whether driving, handling or maintenance, AGIR ensures the individual management of staff and equipment.

What are the features?

Processing these known, past or forecast elements, AGIR assists the operator by presenting the necessary information for the allocation of resources via the planning dashboard, interactively and in real time.

  • A rules engine

    • Decision-making tool
    • Drives the optimization of assignments based on the organizational constraints of the Port
    • Proposes highly customizable objective criteria and indicators
  • A dashboard

    • Ensures the operator an optimal match of available resources to operational needs while leaving the decision to them
    • Communicates the schedule to staff via voice server, SMS or e-mail
  • A Web module

    • Allows team leaders to clock-in the work actually performed with the latest adjustments and unforeseen events
  • An optional Timekeeping module

    • Calculates the elements of pay, analytical accounting and invoicing which it communicates to the services concerned

Multiple objectives

  • Reduce and simplify the team leader's input

  • Avoid redundancies and paper entries sources of error

  • Reduce the delays of transmission of this information to the pay software

  • Inform more quickly to improve assignment forecasts

  • Reduce and simplify the team leader's input

  • Avoid redundancies and paper entries sources of error

  • Reduce the delays of transmission of this information to the pay software

  • Inform more quickly to improve assignment forecasts

Why choose AGIR?

The strength of AGIR lies in the tailor-made implementation of a generic solution.

Because all of its features are customizable, AGIR adapts to different types of organization and follows their evolutions. Its modular and distributed architecture makes it possible to deploy its functions according to the users' needs and allows the rapid development of specific features.

Designed in accordance with current technological standards, AGIR combines performance, security and user-friendliness thanks to the implementation of an efficient graphical interface, realized in close collaboration with its first users.

Our objective is to ensure that team leaders and port human resource services find their working methods in the AGIR tool and accompany them in major organizational and technological changes.

The AGIR solution modules

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